Corporate Training


홈으로화살표 Training 화살표 조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

Organizational Culture (Accredited Practitioner Program) 이미지
Organizational Culture (Accredited Practitioner Program)

Understanding organizational culture is the key to understanding the whole organization. Organizational culture covers the physical objects present at the place of work as well as the values, behaviors, mindsets, and underlying assumptions common within the group. Organizations that take time to define their desired organizational culture and implement appropriate behaviors and values will eventually become high-performing organizations.

Organizational Culture Courses
Modules Topics Time
Mo.1 What is organizational culture? 3-8H
(English lecture is Available)
Mo.2 Organizational culture diagnosis & discussion
Mo.3 Organizational culture and leadership
Mo.4 Changes in organizational culture
Mo.5 Internalization of organizational culture
빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

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