Corporate Training


홈으로화살표 Training 화살표 조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

Recognition Culture 이미지
Recognition Culture

An organization with a great recognition culture is one in which individuals, teams, and departments will all enjoy going to work. This enjoyment has tangible payoffs in terms of increased productivity, as organizations that lack morale, are full of tension and conflict, or make their employees feel isolated and distant will see their performance suffering accordingly. An organization becomes a truly great workplace when the organizational culture facilitates positive mindsets in employees and ensures that they are coached and motivated effectively. Like conducting a successful orchestra, drawing out each employee’s full potential and ensuring positive employee relations takes a lot of work and attention to detail; this course will arm you with the tools necessary for your success.

Recognition Culture
Modules Topics Time
Mo.1 What is organizational culture?
-Assessing current organizational culture
(English lecture is available)
Mo.2 Compliments, recognition, and organizational climate
Mo.3 Leadership and corporate culture
Mo.4 Compliments, recognition, and a great workplace
Mo.5 Developing improvement strategies
빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

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