Corporate Training


홈으로화살표 Training 화살표 조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

High-Trust Culture 이미지
High-Trust Culture

Experts see a lack of trust as the greatest obstacle to organizational unity and cooperation. The level of trust between managers and subordinates determines whether they can depend on one another and fully cooperate. In addition, the depth of trust among managers and employees affects both organizational engagement and the turnover rate. The level of trust that employees have in their organizations and in each other decides how effectively that organization can be operated. This course addresses how to recover trust when it has been broken due to various situations, how to help employees understand which behaviors are desirable, and how to build a high-trust culture using a common language.

High-Trust Culture
Modules Topics Time
Mo.1 Recognition of organizational culture
Diagnosis of organizational culture
(English lecture is available)
Mo.2 What is high trust culture?
-Diagnosis of the level of trust: trust among organizations/managers/employees
Mo.3 Recovery and building of trust within organizations
Mo.4 Organizational politics and internalization of high-trust culture
Mo.5 Developing improvement strategies
빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

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