Corporate Training


홈으로화살표 Training 화살표 조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

조직 문화 (Organizational Culture)

Horizontal Organizational Culture 이미지
Horizontal Organizational Culture

The organizational culture of Korean corporations is still very authoritative and highly focused on rank. In the past, a vertical organizational culture helped make speedy decision-making and company unity possible. However, as the methods of competition have changed to focus on diversity and creativity, corporations are now in a situation in which they need to decide how to change their organizational culture as soon as possible. For organizations to move promptly with their decision-making, the information flow has to be free to move from not only from top to bottom but also from bottom to top and from side to side. This horizontal organizational culture course will help you learn how to identify traits of a vertical organizational culture and create a culture of horizontal communication and decision-making.

Horizontal Organizational Culture
Modules Topics Time
Mo.1 What is organizational culture?
-Organizational culture diagnosis
(English lecture is available)
Mo.2 Basic understanding of horizontal organizational culture
Mo.3 Search for the elements of vertical organizational culture
Mo.4 Making horizontal organizational culture
Mo.5 Developing and sharing improvement strategies
빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

빠른상담 신청 02-6403-5553

평일 09:00~18:00

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